How OneCause Fundraising Platform Inspires Giving

Spurring individual donor generosity is essential to the overall success of your mission. They are often the backbone of your fundraising dollars and impact how many people, communities, or missions your nonprofit can support.

So how do you unlock generosity?  Easy. Your nonprofit needs to understand donor behavior, needs, and motivators.

According to our latest Giving Experience study, today’s donors have unique motivators that attract them to nonprofits and influence giving. After surveying over 1,100 donors, we found out that mission, trust, and ease are today’s top motivators. This means nonprofits need to make sure their:

  • Giving process is easy and streamlined for donors.
  • Donors understand the value of the mission.
  • Communications are linked to the impact created by each donor gift.

With so many causes to engage with, donors are looking to nonprofits for reassurance that donations are being put to good use. Keeping this in mind as you plan your messaging and fundraising activities will help your cause align with donors needs, deepen trust, and foster loyalty with today’s donors.

Many organizations are looking to their fundraising software and technology solutions to help them maximizes donor engagement, grow generosity, and streamline their giving experience. When evaluating nonprofit fundraising software be sure to look for a solution that:

  • Enables donors to give on any device, anytime, anywhere
  • Provides simple giving options (think less steps)
  • Supports any event type (virtual, in-person, hybrid)
  • Gives attendees control of their giving
  • Includes real-time reporting & analytics to maximize donations

Enter the OneCause Fundraising Platform!

Our modern giving solution helps nonprofits and donors reimagine fundraising by delivering a seamless giving experience, and simplifying event execution for organizations of all sizes. Built to support in-person, hybrid, and virtual fundraising, this all-in-one platform makes it easy to connect with your supporters anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

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So, how does the OneCause Fundraising Platform inspire giving?

Let’s dive into how your nonprofit can maximize generosity with the OneCause Fundraising Platform.

Tools to Drive Donor Generosity

For today’s donors it’s all about convenience and optionality. Providing flexibility during the giving process allows your fundraising to appeal to a wider donor base. Why? Because donors can support your cause in a way that feels personal to them, including:

  1. Virtual & Hybrid options enable donors who cannot attend to support your mission from anywhere.
  2. Quick links connect donors to your event early to drive “before event” donations.
  3. Embedded donation forms to collect gifts outside your live appeal.
  4. Segmented text messaging engages donors before, during, and after to grow generosity.
  5. Scoreboards, real-time donor feeds and table analytics, increase in-moment giving.
  6. Targeted achievements give donors choice on where to direct their dollars.
  7. Recurring giving options to steward repeat donations.
  8. Live chat to foster in-event connection for all audiences.
  9. Cover Costs provides additional optionality to give during check out.
  10. Ambassador Fundraising leverages donors’ networks to widen your event’s impact.

The OneCause Fundraising Platform can help you tap into the diverse giving styles of today’s donors and maximize giving! Keep reading as we deep dive into a couple of these key features.

Donation Forms

When planning a fundraiser, your nonprofit allocates a lot of time to crafting the big donation appeal. We get it! It can raise a lot of money in a short period of time.

However, providing smaller donation opportunities can be just as impactful to your fundraising by helping you capture a wider pool of your event donors.

To meet this need, the OneCause Fundraising Platform offers a donation form that is built separately from your donation appeal moment. This allows you to:

  1. Offer a few smaller donation levels, which can be more appealing to your audience.
  2. Give your attendees the choice in how they contribute to your cause, without taking away from the impact of your live appeal.

Including this giving strategy in your next fundraising event will help increase your event impact while providing donors an easy way to donate to your cause.


Recurring Giving

As seen in the 2023 Fundraising Outlook study, 86% of nonprofits name recurring giving as one of the areas they find important, if not critical to address in 2023. Having a tool that supports and encourages recurring giving is a must in 2023.

The OneCause Fundraising Platform offers donation forms that were built to capture and encourage recurring donations. You can even create different recurring giving levels to:

  1. Provide custom giving amounts based on donors’ desired giving levels
  2. Customize whether the donation is annual, monthly, or weekly

The platform makes managing recurring donations within the software easy! The initial gift is contributed to the specific events proceeds and the remaining recurring gifts are allocated and visible at an organizational level – making it simple for your finance team to track monthly gifts.

Building recurring donations into your fundraising events and campaigns, not only makes giving easy but it increases your ongoing fundraising efficiency.

Cover Costs

Another simple way to capture more giving during your fundraiser is to invite your supporters to “cover costs” – or round up their payment by a certain percentage to help offset costs.

The power of Cover Costs on the OneCause Fundraising Platform goes well beyond credit card fees. It’s totally customizable, and you can round up further to help cover your event’s overall costs. This quick solution can help your nonprofit raise hundreds, maybe even thousands, of extra dollars outside of individual donations.

Cover Costs helps provide donors with more opportunities to support your mission once the goodwill of giving is unlocked.

Your Cover Costs prompt can also include an inspirational message to help donors understand the impact of adding this additional small gift – encouraging them to round up in support of your organization. Because we know, in fundraising, every penny counts!

Impact Levels

Outlining the impact of a donation can help attract those donors who seek greater understanding of how an organization would use their gift. To provide this clarity in giving, the OneCause Fundraising Platform offers a donation option called Impact Levels.

These levels highlight small, targeted donations gifts that along with descriptive impact statements are powerful tools to motivate donors to give. Examples include:

  • $50 will send one child to summer camp.
  • $75 will feed a family of 4 for a week.
  • $150 will provide food for the entire animal shelter for one day.

On the OneCause Fundraising Platform, Impact Levels also include a photo, description, and suggested donation amount to further illustrate the impact and encourage them to give.

When a supporter knows how their donation will be used, they feel good about their direct impact on your cause and you foster deeper connections with your mission. With Impact Levels, your donors understand how, where, and why their donations matter – unlocking trust and generosity.

Targeted Achievements

Need a way to attract donors who are motivated by crowd fundraising? Targeted Achievements on the OneCause Fundraising Platform create a way for donors to give smaller amounts and band together to raise money for a specific goal, such as creating a new addition to a shelter.

These Targeted Achievements appeal to donors who are more inclined to give collectively to impact your mission. This ultimately allows your nonprofit to create a community for your attendees, while not impacting the fundraising potential of your live appeal.

In addition, Targeted Achievements are a great way to connect both in-person and virtual attendees to work towards a common goal.

Once the goal is reached, the platform sends a success text message, which notifies all who contributed to the achievement. By expressing your gratitude for your donors’ collective contributions, they feel rewarded for supporting you.

Targeted Achievements not only capture donations in an impactful way, but also give donors the confidence that their generosity will be used in a way that directly fuels your mission.

Ambassador Fundraising

Ambassador Fundraising leverages peer-to-peer fundraising in conjunction with galas, auctions, golf outings, or any type of event. Nonprofits can tap “ambassadors” (a.k.a ardent supporters, champions, highly visible supporters) to fundraise leading up to their event.

The OneCause Fundraising Platform creates opportunities to foster competitive giving during your event as well. You can directly (and seamlessly) link your fundraising event with a peer-to-peer giving campaign.

This is a great tool for any event that incorporates competition (such as events that crown a fundraising winner or include competitive table captains) to further spur giving before, during, and after the event.

Leveraging Ambassador Fundraising during your event is an easy way to reach net new giving networks, add fun to your next events, and tie in social competition!

Wrapping Up!

The OneCause Fundraising Platform equips your nonprofit with new and innovative giving strategies through a modern, flexible giving experience that unlocks donor generosity.

Ready to learn more about how the OneCause Fundraising Platform can drive deeper supporter engagement and make fundraising easier for your team? Schedule a tour with one of our product experts!


If you’re a current customer, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to chat about using the new Platform at your next event.

More fundraising resources are just a click away.