Personal stories fostering empathy, connection, and an unwavering commitment to customer success.

March 14, 2024 – Episode # 127
Empowering Success: The Heartbeat of OneCause Customer Experience featuring Ashley, Kaitlin, and Missy

Customer Experience – two words that carry immense importance and expectation, particularly for software and nonprofit customers. Implementing new software and optimizing its performance can be overwhelming. And no one appreciates automated responses and long wait times that can feel disconnected.

But at OneCause, it’s different. It’s the people that set the company apart. The OneCause customer success team isn’t just about solving problems; it’s about empowering fundraising success. Rooted in passion, helpfulness, and curiosity, OneCause has supported over 70,000 fundraising campaigns, helping nonprofits raise $6.5 billion on the OneCause fundraising platforms since 2008. The backbone of the OneCause customer experience is an award-winning service and support team.

In this episode of Raise Nation Radio, meet Customer Success Managers Ashley Bennett, Kaitlin Lannon, and Missy Marchant. They share their driving “why” and the passion that fuels their unwavering commitment to customer success. Within this talented group, there’s a shared mission – powering nonprofits to build better tomorrows.

Tune in for their heartwarming stories that truly exemplify the impact of the team’s dedication to going above and beyond for OneCause customers.In this episode:

  • Explore Ashely, Kaitlin, and Missy’s path that led to becoming a CSM at OneCause
  • Discover the “why” behind customer success
  • Delve into what customer success means to OneCause
  • Hear the questions that OneCause customers are asking about

Connect with Ashley BennettKaitlin Lannon, and Missy Marchant on LinkedIn

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