The Nonprofit Glass Ceiling: Limiting Beliefs that Stunt Nonprofit Growth

| Leadership, Operations, & DEI | Tues, Sept 13, 2022

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We all have limiting beliefs that keep us from reaching our potential, yet there is no limit on doing good. There are things you thought weren’t possible, plausible, or worthwhile that could help your organization grow. This is especially true for nonprofit marketing and fundraising. Sometimes, limiting beliefs are based on experience, but they’re often based on industry norms or, worse yet, fear. These beliefs become dangerous when they restrict our impact and growth, yet they’re hard to overcome without evidence.

In this session, a nonprofit career professional, Katie Appold, and for-profit marketing agency owner, Bill McKendry, dissect the top limiting beliefs in the nonprofit sector and how marketing and branding have proven them wrong. If your nonprofit has referenced capacity, cost, or being “the best-kept secret” in a marketing meeting, this is the session for you!

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding that capacity is a “cart before the horse” concept when it comes to raising the support your organization needs. Learn low-work strategies for big impact.
  • Learn to position marketing and advertising correctly to your board/leadership and measure ROI.
  • How to steward your brand and resources.

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Katie Appold

Katie Appold

Executive Director, Nonprofit Hub

Katie Appold is executive director of Nonprofit Hub, the nonprofit behind the nationally recognized programs Cause Network and Cause Camp. She has spent over twenty years in the nonprofit sector serving in leadership roles at foundations, publishers, and community-based causes. Katie is also the host of the Good to Growth Podcast, a member of several nonprofit professional organizations, an adjunct professor of nonprofit leadership, and an active volunteer.

Bill McKendry

Bill McKendry

Chief Creative Officer, HAVEN

A veteran marketer, speaker, and messaging expert for nonprofit causes, Bill is the founder and chairman of Do More Good as well as the founder and chief creative officer of HAVEN | a creative hub. Recognized in 1999 when he headed Hanon McKendry as the top professional nationally doing cause marketing work by the American Advertising Federation (AAF) and inducted into AAF’s Hall of Achievement, Bill has cultivated a reputation as an expert in key success principles for nonprofit marketing and communications.