Back to the Ballroom Trends: How Attendees Changed Post COVID

| Event & Auction Fundraising | Tues, Sept 13, 2022

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It’s [finally] happening… we are back in the ballroom and people are seeing people again! Your efforts from pre-COVID aren’t lost, but there are many new guest expectations to take into account. In this session, we will unpack the top 3 new trends for your attendees regarding check-in, check-out, and donor ease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand post-pandemic attendee trends.
  • Immediately incorporate new strategies based on attendee expectations.
  • Implement new communication strategy to garner all needed information in a more compact manner.

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Stefanie Zachery

Stefanie Zachery

Senior Consultant , OneCause

Stefanie brings more than 15 years of combined experience in fundraising, consulting, event management and marketing along with her passion for helping nonprofits across our nation increase fundraising and grow their mission and their voice.

She was a former volunteer for non-profits and through that channel, she fell in love with how technology, fundraising strategy and donor engagement could innovate fundraising for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes. She’s passionate about empowering great missions and loves that her current role at OneCause allows her to help more nonprofits reach new donors and raise more funds.

Supporting more than 318 fundraising events, including golf, gala, schools, luncheons and everything in between, she bring a wide variety of expertise, best practices and knowledge to share with you.