Welcome & Keynote Address

Fundraising Strategy | Keynote / General Session | Mon, Sept 14, 2020

Ian Adair, one of the industry’s Top 100 Influencers kicks off Raise 2020. Join us to explore the new fundraising normal, as Ian offers wisdom, humor and a dose of reality on what it takes to be a #Fearless Fundraiser today. He shares insights learned from the trenches, leading 3 nonprofits over 20+ years. Ian delivers a high-energy keynote on giving, being your authentic self, while helping your nonprofit to fight through the noise to gain donor attention.


Ian Adair

Ian Adair

Executive Director, Gracepoint Foundation

Ian Adair is a recognized nonprofit industry influencer, speaker, author, and advocate for mental health awareness. He has more than 20 years of fundraising, leadership, and nonprofit management experience impacting organizational culture and program success at all levels. Ian currently serves as the Executive Director of the Gracepoint Foundation in Tampa, Florida, the philanthropic arm of Gracepoint, one of the largest behavioral health service providers in the state of Florida.