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National Nonprofits & Affiliates

Back to the Ballroom

Bring your supporters back to the ballroom in safe & engaging ways.

In a time of uncertainty, nonprofits were resilient, adaptive, and innovative. Nowhere is that spirit reflected more than in the National nonprofit space, where organizations not only had to pivot their strategies, but bring local chapters and affiliates along into new formats of fundraising.

Now, as we emerge from the pandemic, fundraisers and supporters are ready to head back to the ballroom!

Of course, the transition back comes with questions. Use this guide to get all the answers, including:

  • The Donor Mindset: Are donors ready to go back to in-person fundraising?
  • Art of Social Distancing: How do we execute a socially distanced event?
  • Promotion & Pre-event Communication: What communication is needed to promote the return to the ballroom?
  • Event Flow for Safety: What will the event flow look like?
  • Engagement & Fundraising: How should we continue to engage donors to raise the most for our mission?

Download this easy-to-use guide to answer all 5 of those questions and more. Your complete guide to safe onsite fundraising is a click away!

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and get ready to get

back to the ballroom.